
Jon Ross, Ph.D.

By January 2, 2020

Jon Ross, Ph.D.

MHCL Faculty Member

Jon Ross, Ph.D. has a 30-year professional history of teaching, public policy/advocacy, public affairs, public relations/communications, and marketing, much of it in the healthcare sector.  Included in that experience were high-level advocacy and media relations-centered work for the American Hospital Association around healthcare reform efforts, a stint as a Congressional staffer, and a range of consulting work for hospitals, health providers, and drug/device manufacturers.  He most recently served on the board of Mental Health America-North Shore, and has been active in the Illinois Mental Health Summit, Mental Health America-Illinois Public Policy Committee, and the Kennedy Forum.  He earned his doctorate in Public Policy & Social Change at Union Institute & University, and his Masters in Legislative Affairs from George Washington University.  He earned his BA in Political Science at the University of Florida.
