Disability Services

Union is here for you

Committed to providing equal educational opportunities to students with disabilities

Union Institute & University is committed to providing equal education opportunity and support to our students with disabilities. We are proud to make reasonable accommodations as per the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 to students who disclose a disability and provide documentation with a diagnosis of said disability.


ADA Pledge

Union Institute & University is committed to providing equal education opportunity and support to qualified persons with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires the university to make reasonable accommodations to students with a disability only if the individual requests such accommodations.

Accommodations and Related Services

Union Institute & University, under the requirements mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, will make accommodations in the learning and instructional environment to meet the documented needs of students with disabilities. The general academic regulations and graduation requirements of university programs are identical for all Union Institute & University students.

To Request Accommodations and Related Services

Accommodations cannot be made for a student unless he/she requests services directly from the accessibility office. To request accommodations and related services students must complete the Disability Disclosure Form, available on CampusWeb, Union Institute & University’s academic and administrative portal.

The completed disability disclosure form is automatically sent to the accessibility coordinator. The accessibility coordinator will then contact the student to request documentation from their health provider and to discuss an appropriate accommodation plan, called an education plan. The accessibility coordinator will prepare the education plan, email it to the student for review and approval, and, once approved by the student, will distribute it to the appropriate staff and faculty. Education plans do not renew automatically: it is the student’s responsibility to notify the accessibility office at the beginning of each term to reactivate their education plan. [Note: Union Institute & University’s faculty and staff may not accommodate a student who claims a disability unless there is an education plan on record for the student. If a student requests an accommodation and does not have an education plan on file, the employee who receives the request shall advise the student of this policy and procedure, referring the student to the accessibility coordinator.]


All documentation associated with the student’s disability is kept confidential and separate from their official academic record.

Give us a Call

at: 954-284-2140

For more information on Union’s services for disabled students, contact our accessibility coordinator, Dr. Jay M. Keehn