Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies

Join the prestige of a distinctive role in American higher education


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Ph.D. In Interdisciplinary Studies

Join the prestige of a distinctive role in American higher education

Achieve a Degree Grounded in Humanistic Inquiry

Union Institute & University’s Ph.D. program incorporates interdisciplinary study to expand and deepen your knowledge and expertise. Explore ideas and practices in leadership, public policy, social change, ethics, creativity, innovation, design thinking, and beyond, in our rich online and in-person academic community.

Research your interest

we encourage your creativity and passion to explore new ideas

Socially relevant study

apply the knowledge you discover everyday in your life

An inspiring community

we connect you with a vibrant community of academically focused peers & mentors

Learn by your

own schedule

Our national doctoral program is designed to fit your lifestyle no matter where you call home. Union’s flexibility gives you the opportunity to make the greatest meaningful change in your life: your education. There are two six-month terms with enrollment dates and residency periods in January and July. Complete this 66 semester hour degree program in as little as 3 years (maximum 7 years).

UPDATE: Due to COVID-19, our residencies are currently being held virtually.

Select a concentration to learn more

  • Educational Studies
  • Ethical & Creative Leadership
  • Humanities & Culture
  • Public Policy & Social Change
Non-Enrolling Degree Programs :

Add a notable qualification to your esteemed degree

All students in the Ph.D. Program in Interdisciplinary Studies have the option to pursue (in addition to their concentration in Educational Studies, Ethical and Creative Leadership, Humanities and Culture or Public Policy and Social Change) one of several graduate certificates embedded in the program. Examples include Design Thinking, Museum Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies and more.

While each certificate requires 12 credits, some of the certificates require participation in additional activities such as presentations or attendance at meetings or webinars. To earn a certificate (or in some cases two certificates when requirements overlap) students should engage in careful planning with their concentration advisor and the coordinator of the certificate(s) being sought.

Students who earn a certificate will have this reflected on their transcripts and diploma.


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Studies

specialize in the creative and intellectual legacy of Dr. King

Meet our Doctoral Faculty

What makes Union’s Doctoral program unique?

“When you choose Union, you are entering a community that values social justice, a commitment that is evident throughout the curriculum and in the daily lives of our students and faculty. We are a diverse and inclusive community, both demographically and in terms of ideas and interests.”

– Jennifer Raymond
Interim Dean, Ph.D. Program

Doctoral Program Courses, Seminars, and Dissertation Titles

Foundational & Research Seminars
Core Seminars
Dissertation Titles

A Case Study of Leadership and Morale in the Detroit Police Department

A Case Study of Leadership and Morale in the Detroit Police Department

A Perspective on Leadership in Historically Black Colleges Universities

A Perspective on Leadership in Historically Black Colleges Universities

A TribalCrit Perspective on Mohegan Casinos: A Case Study of Assimilation, Sovereignty, and Leadership

A TribalCrit Perspective on Mohegan Casinos: A Case Study of Assimilation, Sovereignty, and Leadership

An Investigation of Cultural Intergenerational Trauma or Collective Traumatic Memory as a Social, Economic Barrier for African American Women Entrepreneurs in Cincinnati, Ohio

An Investigation of Cultural Intergenerational Trauma or Collective Traumatic Memory as a Social, Economic Barrier for African American Women Entrepreneurs in Cincinnati, Ohio

Building the Canon: Historical Survey

Building the Canon: Historical Survey

HMS 710

Conflicting Discourses of Masculinity in the Military Community of Practice: Narratives of Afghan/Iraq War Combat Veterans

Conflicting Discourses of Masculinity in the Military Community of Practice: Narratives of Afghan/Iraq War Combat Veterans

Critical Writing and Thinking I: Explorations

Critical Writing and Thinking I: Explorations

ACS 700

Critical Writing and Thinking II: Analysis and Synthesis as Inquiry

Critical Writing and Thinking II: Analysis and Synthesis as Inquiry

ACS 705

Critiquing the Canon: The Idea of Progress

Critiquing the Canon: The Idea of Progress

HMS 720

Cross-Cultural Conversations and Community Leadership: Creating Pathways for First-Generation Appalachian Students and Colleges

Cross-Cultural Conversations and Community Leadership: Creating Pathways for First-Generation Appalachian Students and Colleges

Curriculum and Social Justice

Curriculum and Social Justice

EDST 720

Diving into the Process of Creating a Painting: An Exploratory Study of Problem Solving for Leaders

Diving into the Process of Creating a Painting: An Exploratory Study of Problem Solving for Leaders

Education, Society, and Culture

Education, Society, and Culture

EDST 710

Engaging Difference

Engaging Difference

FNDS 703

Engaging Diversity through the Grotesque Body: The Sociopolitical Efficacy of the Grotesque Body in Contemporary African and Western Visual Fine Art and Popular Media

Engaging Diversity through the Grotesque Body: The Sociopolitical Efficacy of the Grotesque Body in Contemporary African and Western Visual Fine Art and Popular Media

Ethical and Creative Leadership in Group Dynamics, Organizations, and Society

Ethical and Creative Leadership in Group Dynamics, Organizations, and Society

ECL 720

Ethics and Social Justice

Ethics and Social Justice

FNDS 701

Exploring the LDS Church’s Wins in Two Same-Sex Marriage Elections: Mobilizing Members, Election Strategies, and Message Framing

Exploring the LDS Church’s Wins in Two Same-Sex Marriage Elections: Mobilizing Members, Election Strategies, and Message Framing

Foundations of Ethical and Creative Leadership

Foundations of Ethical and Creative Leadership

ECL 710

If We Don’t Show You, Who Will? Children’s Window to Africa: A Counter Narrative to Popular Distortions about African American Cultural Identity, History, and Heritage

If We Don’t Show You, Who Will? Children’s Window to Africa: A Counter Narrative to Popular Distortions about African American Cultural Identity, History, and Heritage

Ireland and the cultural impact of the First World War: Reclaiming expurgated narratives in Irish Art and Literature, 1915-1939

Ireland and the cultural impact of the First World War: Reclaiming expurgated narratives in Irish Art and Literature, 1915-1939

Language, Community, and Translations: An Analysis of Current Multilingual Exhibition Practices among Art Museums in New York City

Language, Community, and Translations: An Analysis of Current Multilingual Exhibition Practices among Art Museums in New York City

Lifelong Learning in the Twenty-First Century: An Investigation of the Interrelationships Between Self-Directed Learning and Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning in the Twenty-First Century: An Investigation of the Interrelationships Between Self-Directed Learning and Lifelong Learning

On the Path to War: Irène NĂ©mirovsky’s Fiction in Interwar France

On the Path to War: Irène NĂ©mirovsky’s Fiction in Interwar France

Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis

PPS 733

Policy Processes and Social Change

Policy Processes and Social Change

PPS 711

Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methodologies

Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methodologies

RMTH 710

Re-Presenting the Zombie: Genre, Gender, and Social Protest from Romero’s Night of the Living Dead to AMC’s The Walking Dead

Re-Presenting the Zombie: Genre, Gender, and Social Protest from Romero’s Night of the Living Dead to AMC’s The Walking Dead

Research Methods I: Research Design and Methods

Research Methods I: Research Design and Methods

RMTH 783

Research Methods II: Inquiry in the Humanities

Research Methods II: Inquiry in the Humanities

RMTH 709

Research Methods III: Designing Interdisciplinary Research

Research Methods III: Designing Interdisciplinary Research

RMTH 787

Reshaping the Beloved Community: The Experiences of Black Male Felons and Their Impact on Black Radical Traditions

Reshaping the Beloved Community: The Experiences of Black Male Felons and Their Impact on Black Radical Traditions

Seeing Ourselves, Seeing Our Students: Improving Our Practice Through a Living Theory Exploration of Awareness in Our Lives and in Our Classrooms

Seeing Ourselves, Seeing Our Students: Improving Our Practice Through a Living Theory Exploration of Awareness in Our Lives and in Our Classrooms

Sounds to Score: Language-Embeddedness in The Temporality of Musical Composition

Sounds to Score: Language-Embeddedness in The Temporality of Musical Composition

The Creative Process

The Creative Process

FNDS 702

The Educational Development of African American-Caribbean Girls through the Performing Arts

The Educational Development of African American-Caribbean Girls through the Performing Arts

The intersection of leadership and spirituality: A qualitative study exploring the thinking and behavioral attributes of leaders who identify as spiritual

The intersection of leadership and spirituality: A qualitative study exploring the thinking and behavioral attributes of leaders who identify as spiritual

The Motherhood Penalty: A Critical Feminist Analysis of Family Leave Policies in the United States

The Motherhood Penalty: A Critical Feminist Analysis of Family Leave Policies in the United States

The Political Impact of Caregiving – It’s a Woman’s World: An Inquiry of the Caregiving Landscape

The Political Impact of Caregiving – It’s a Woman’s World: An Inquiry of the Caregiving Landscape

Hear what our

students are saying

I selected Union Institute & University because of the focus on social justice and the flexibility to maintain my lifestyle. Union’s principle foundation of personal accountability and building change agents to impact community were also points I considered when making Union my #1 choice

Purcell DyeStudent in Public Policy & Social Change

No place else on the planet will you find a more loving community of people. I get hugs from my classmates and professors. Professors who don’t have me in class anymore will send me information related to my topics of interest. They really do want us all to succeed and to go out and change the world

Gus OttoStudent in Ethical & Creative Leadership