Nominate an Alumnus/Alumna of the Year

Deadline to submit nominations is May 1, 2020.

Nominations for Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna of the Year & Legacy Alumnus/Alumna of the Year

Union Institute & University’s International Alumni Association invites nominations of Union alumni for two distinct Alumni Awards for 2020, to be presented during our National Commencement ceremony, Sunday, July 12, 2020. Deadline to submit nominations is May 1, 2020.

All Union alumni are requested to consider nominating nominate fellow graduates who are worthy of this honor. Nominees must be graduates of Union Institute & University (undergraduate, masters, or doctoral), who have made significant contributions to their community, state, or nation through professional service, public or private service and/or civic activities, and must consent to the nomination and agree to be present for the formal presentation of the award.

The determination of the awardees will be by the Awards Committee of the IAAB. Coach travel to and from Cincinnati, as well as hotel accommodations will be provided to the awardees.

Current Union faculty and staff and current members of the IAAB are not eligible to receive this award.

Nominators are responsible for submitting documentation to support their nominee’s candidacy, including evidence of that individual’s professional achievements, published research, creativity, community engagement, global or inter-cultural experience, personal achievements and, most importantly, evidence supporting that the candidate embraces and exemplifies Union’s mission “to educate highly motivated adults who seek academic programs to engage, enlighten, and empower them to pursue professional goals and a lifetime of learning, service, and social responsibility.”

You can nominate an alumnus or alumna for the award via the online form, or by downloading the editable PDF provided below and uploading it.

Review of Nominations and Determination and Notification

The Awards Committee of Union’s International Alumni Association Board of Directors reviews all nominations and presents a slate of names to the full board for approval. Upon approval, award recipients and nominating individuals are notified via a congratulatory letter from the alumni association. The recipients must agree to be present at the awards event scheduled in conjunction with Union’s national commencement ceremony on July 12, 2020.

Distinguished Alumnus / Alumna of the Year

The Distinguished Alumni Award is presented by Union’s International Alumni Association in recognition of alumni who have in both their professional and personal lives exemplified the university’s mission and values, that its graduates be engaged, enlightened and empowered to pursue professional goals and lives of learning, service and social responsibility.

Furthermore, distinguished alumni encourage the pursuit of academic excellence, creative & critical thinking, the connection and application of theory and process, as well as the affirmation of diversity and the pursuit of social justice.

Distinguished alumni, with integrity and compassion, have made a compelling, enduring and positive difference in the world. (No self-nominations)

Legacy Alumnus / Alumna of the Year

The Legacy Alumni Award is presented by Union’s International Alumni Association in recognition of alumni who have exemplified the university’s mission and values, and have in their lives demonstrated a commitment to learning, service and social responsibility. Legacy alumni have also achieved significant recognition for their service to society and/or the university, either by transforming social action or by generous contribution. (Self-nominations accepted)

The members of Union’s International Alumni Board extend their gratitude for your help in identifying nominees for this honor.

Nominations and supporting materials must be received by May 1, 2020.

If you download and print the PDF, please send the completed form to:

ATTN: Carolyn Krause
Union Institute & University
440 E McMillan St, Cincinnati, OH 45206
800-486-3116, x1165