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Union Leaders: Patrick Thompson

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Patrick Thompson, Lt. Jr. Grade, U.S. Navy

Union Leaders: Patrick Thompson

Union Institute & University’s historical commitment to ethical and creative leadership is the inspiration for our series of articles on Union leaders. This installment features Lieutenant Junior Grade Patrick Thompson.

Patrick earned his Master of Science in Organizational Leadership (MSOL) in 2019. A Lieutenant Junior Grade (02) in the U.S. Navy when he first considered enrolling in the program, he had understandable concerns about adding a challenging course load to his already-busy life.

“The approach to any graduate program takes a great deal of personal endeavor. My introduction to the program appeared overwhelming at first,” Thompson admits. “However, after a short interaction with Program Chair Dr. Wheat, it was clear what my educational mission would be.”

Not long after beginning his studies in the MSOL program, Patrick faced another challenge: overseas deployment. Finding himself in a totally new environment, it felt as though he was facing “insurmountable odds.” Quitting would have been the easy choice. He credits his faith, his family and the support of fellow students as the inspiration he needed to continue. “I was often encouraged and challenged to continue working towards my goal,” he adds.

Upon entering the program, Patrick’s primary goal was to advance to a leadership position in his military career. “Today after graduating with a 4.0 average, I am an Executive Officer in a high-visibility military organization,” he says. The skills he learned in the MSOL program have turned out to be essential to his expanded leadership role.

The MSOL program has also helped Patrick branch out and start his own consulting agency. Drawing on his experience in the military, law enforcement and principles learned during his MSOL studies, Patrick says he is now an Executive in a high-visibility military intelligence organization, a position normally entrusted to Commanders at the 04 and 05 level. He adds that improving organizational leadership capabilities helps his clients manage expectations and resources, increasing productivity in the process.

For Patrick, the rewards of earning his graduate degree have been well worth the effort. “Overall, I endorse this program for those who are willing to make a temporary sacrifice in order to improve themselves and their professional opportunities,” he concludes.
